
February 2025

Trademe Listings

I got a couple of funny emails today from Trademe regarding my auction listings. Seems someone had dobbed me in for linking my auctions to the website. The complaint suggested my contact details were contained here.

Now that’s odd because I knocked this website up for the express purpose of  selling on Trademe and I’ve been very careful to ensure that my contact details are not available here. It is against Trademe’s Terms and Conditions to have your contact details contained on any website URL that you have on your listings.

I rang Trademe as soon as their emails came in and they were good enough to ring me straight back so it didn’t cost me anything. They quickly looked into the complaint and found that my website links were totally kosher and they admitted they had made an error when looking into the complaint and apologised.

They also offered a nice credit on my account and to fix the URL’s that had been removed in error.

The credit came in immediately and the URL’s were restored within 30 minutes.

So here’s a tip if you are listing stuff on Trademe and you decide to pay someone a bundle to knock you up a website – make sure to tell them not to include any of your contacts details on the website or you may end up paying them a shipload of money to do a shipload of edits. Websites can be flippin’ blinkin’ expensive so make sure if you hand over a shipload of readies for one that you can actually get some use out of it.

Failing that just shortcut the process and stand over the dunny and flush your money away, cut out the middleman.

All the best.

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