
January 2025

Dexter Mods Daphon E200D ‘Sheep Shagger’ Pedal

Sheep Shagger Mark 3

Sheep Shagger Mark 3

When I first started modding pedals I was after a nicely priced pedal that sounded like a Tube Screamer. I tried several until one day I saw the Daphon E20OD on Trademe. I wasn’t too impressed with it at first but noticed the circuit was based on the Tube Screamer so went about finding a way to mod the circuit to get that TS sound.

As I worked through the circuit I found other little places where certain component tweaks really gave the Daphon a greatly improved sound. I put in front of a couple of friends amps and they loved it. We were sitting around after wards and I mentioned that I needed a name for the Mod and that all the mods I would be doing would preferably have a rural theme to them.

One of the guys said “The Sheep Shagger!’ and I loved it so much I gave him the pedal and took the the name.

So here it is, a souped up Tube Screamer mod on the cheap as chips Daphon E20OD. There are a few details on the technical side of the mod on my Daphon Mods page in my Blog.

The great things about the Daphon E20OD are:

  • It’s readily available brand new
  • It is solidly constructed
  • It’s based on the Ibanez tubescreamer
  • And best of all it is priced so that ordinary guitarists can afford it.

The componenet upgrades almost bring this pedal into boutique pedal. The hardware (jacks and pots mainly) let it down somewhat and Version 4 will include full pot and jack replacements. For the Sheep Shagger mod much higher quality electrical components have been used than those that come in the stock pedal and the clipping section has been upgraded to give a sweet creamy gain for easily controlled feedback and rich harmonics.

The mod also includes an 808 output resistors mod to the circuit to give that classic overdrive sound that you’ll pay dearly for in any other pedal.

With a JRC4558D op-amp on board and the option to switch between Boss Asymmetrical clipping or Ibanez Symmetrical clipping you have the best of both worlds here.

The mod is guaranteed. If there are any problems when you receive the pedal simply return to me, I’ll service it, send it back and refund your shipping costs.

Questions are welcome but please check the Dexter Mods FAQ here first.

GST invoice available on request.



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