
January 2025


Dexter Mods users include the top musicians in New Zealand. From professional studio session men and record producers through to seasoned live gig professionals, the common factor in their killer tone is they all use Dexter Mods. Here are just a few of those people. If you want to add your name to this list, get in contact now.

Terrorways Guitarist Dean Martelli

Terrorways Guitarist Dean Martelli

Terrorways Guitarist Dean Martelli

Dean uses the Dexter Mods Terror Mod on his Marshall Guv’nor 2 Plus.

She’s A Dexter Mod!

This is a custom mod made to the exacting specifications of Terrorways guitarist Dean Martelli.

The Terrorways were one of the bands that defined the New Zealand punk rock scene way back in the late 70’s. They have two tracks on the famed AK79 album, Never Been to Borstal and She’s A Mod. The Terrorways recently reformed for the AK79 Reunion concert in November 2008. In 1979 I was playing drums in a punk band myself and the AK79 concert was a chance to see those great bands again. I caught up with Dean after the Terrorways set and we talked about his Marshall Guv’nor 2 pedal and I agreed to try and tailor the tone for him.

The mod starts off by upgrading the clipping section to provide a more tube like creamy overdrive and remove the stock pedal’s buzzy sonic shortcomings.

The pedal is then given a bottom end tweak to ensure that the bass and lower midrange is boosted giving a classic tube-correct Marshall tone. The upper mids and top end come through loud and clear without any fizz or buzz.

Of the TerrorMod Dean says “I’ve used a Marshall Guv’nor 2 in my kit for ages, but it’s always lacked that bottom end punch that I’ve needed. When I spoke to Dave Stewart of Dexter Mods about it he agreed to address the problem and make this the perfect pedal for the sound I use. It was great watching the mod develop in Dexter’s laboratory and see how Dave tweaks the pedal’s to get the best out of them. The end result is one I’m happy to endorse. If you want the perfect punk rock Marshall sound, buy this pedal and add three chords”

Pink Floyd Experience Darren Whittaker

Pink Floyd Experience Darren Whittaker

Pink Floyd Experience Darren Whittaker

Darren uses The Dexter Mod Phase 90 Vintage Mod

Darren Whittaker is guitarist for the band The Pink Floyd Experience and has been working with Dexter Mods for over a year tailoring his sound. The latest addition to Darren’s rig is the Dexter Mods Phase 90 Vintage mod. The mod takes a stock re-issue Phase 90 and removes the dirty mid hump that plagues this devise returning the pedal to it’s true vintage tone.

Of the mod Darren says “My quest for the perfect tone means I can’t take any shortcuts with my pedals. I’m a professional musician and I need a professional sound. I wanted a vintage Phase 90 but they’re priced higher than lunar real estate. I sent my reissue Phase 90 to Dave Stewart of Dexter Mods and he has recreated the vintage sound that I was after – he’s gotten rid of that mid boost and the dirt and the pedal sounds like a vintage script phase 90 – just perfect!”