
February 2025

Merry Xmas

Merry ChristmasI’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

It’s been a great year for me with the trip up to Europe being the highlight.

I’ve had a lot of fun modding pedals for musicians from all walks of life and from every part of the sonic landscape and it’s been great reading your emails keeping me informed of what and where you are up to.

Another buzz has been watching Clay of Claytone Pedals and Mods get his mods going and up on TradeMe. I dealt with Clay a bit before he started selling and he’s a nice bloke with a good attitude and I’m sure he will do well. He’s just starting up really and is offering really good prices on his pedals and I’m pretty sure that this wont last as people realise how good their pedals sound with the right tweaks by the right people.

I’ve had a chance this year to slow things down a bit and focus on doing only the things I want to do and that has included upgrading my home studio. I’m now in the middle of recording a couple of CDs and have a concert planned for the end of summer out here on the farm.

I hope this year has been good for all of you as well and that the new year sees you safe and well and in good form for the next 12 months.

All the best,

Dave Stewart (Dexter)

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