
February 2025

Dexter Mods MXR Phase 90 ‘Vintage’ Mod

MXR Phase 90 Re-Issue - Click to see larger image

MXR Phase 90 Re-Issue - Click to see larger image

A while ago I noticed another modder offering the generic ‘R28 mod’ on the Reissue Phase 90 and decided to research the pedal. The R28 mod was listed as selling for $30. The R28 mod involves opening the Phase 90 and snipping one of the legs of the R28 resistor and changing out 2 caps. Less than 5 minutes work for $30? Good money if you can get it.

Dexter Mods does not list an ‘R28 Mod” for the Phase 90, only the proper vintage mod, but you can do the ‘R28 mod’ yourself if you are so inclined.

When researching the mod I found there was actually a lot more involved in modding a reissue Phase 90 to Vintage specs. No surprises there. I got hold of a mate’s Reissue Phase 90 and did the proper mod and decided to offer the genuine Phase 90 vintage mod in my listings.

The Dexter Mod Phase 90 Vintage Mod changes the reissue Phase 90 to the original model, smoothing out the sound and eliminating the distorted mid boost and converting all other parts of the reissue circuit to back to the vintage circuit.

The mod itself is fairly straight forward, around 8 parts need to be changed, but the real problem is the way the board is double side soldered which makes the de-soldering of the existing components quite tricky. Expect PCB traces to lift all over the place and be prepared for some point to point wiring to get this mod working correctly.

The mod also includes a brand new 9 volt battery and an extra bright Orange LED.

Who is using the Dexter Mods Phase 90 Vintage Mod?

Pink Floyd Experience Darren Whittaker for one.

Darren Whittaker is guitarist for the band The Pink Floyd Experience and has been working with Dexter Mods for over a year tailoring his sound. The latest addition to Darren’s rig is the Dexter Mods Phase 90 Vintage mod.

Darren Whittaker - The Pik Floyd Experience - Click for larger image

Darren Whittaker - The Pik Floyd Experience - Click for larger image

Of the mod Darren says “My quest for the perfect tone means I can’t take any shortcuts with my pedals. I’m a professional musician and I need a professional sound. I wanted a vintage Phase 90 but they’re priced higher than lunar real estate. I sent my reissue Phase 90 to Dave Stewart of Dexter Mods and he has recreated the vintage sound that I was after – he’s gotten rid of that mid boost and the dirt and the pedal sounds like a vintage script phase 90 – just perfect!”

The mod is guaranteed. If there are any problems when your pedal is returned simply return to me, I’ll service it, send it back and refund your shipping costs.

Questions are welcome but please check the Dexter Mods FAQ here first.

GST Invoice available on request.



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